Do you want to feel calm & centered? 

Do you want to feel supported and motivated?

In this monthly virtual group call, Sabina guides you through a mini-workshop to help you harness love, peace, happiness, abundance and to live a fulfilling life. The theme of each month varies according the the energy, expect themes such as Peace, Love & Miracles, Combat Fear, Step into Joy and all the wonderful themes you can think of that would be beneficial for your daily life. 

Key Learning of this Journey Includes :

Meditation & Visualization

Building the Muscle of Consistency

Connect to Love & Peace Within 

Outcome :

An opportunity to create the life of your dreams

Longer Lasting Results of Happiness 

Increase clarity & confidence to make the next move of life

Time: 75-90 Minutes 

Location: Virtual via Zoom

Investment: 1,200 Baht per person

Book Your Spot Here


Did this ever happen to you? 

You are reading all the right self-help books, going to therapy, watching positive movies and reading affirmations out loud everyday. Nothing seemed to be working out for you and you find yourself stuck in the same emotional state and carrying baggage of pain, resentment, fears, worries and toxic energy. 

I have been there too. 

That’s when I realized that realigning the energy from the cellular memories and beyond is so crucial and essential on the journey of self-growth. 

Key Learning :

What is Inner Child? How do we know that our inner child is calling?

Awareness of Our Timeline and Important Moments in Our Lives

Understand the Language of Love we speak

Meet Your Inner Child

Nurture Your Inner Child and Action in Daily Life to reflect the needs our inner calling

Learning Outcome :

Gain a deeper understanding of our inner self

An opportunity to release negative emotions related to our family history

An opportunity to forgive the past to move to a better and more nurturing future

Tools and techniques on how to connect this part in us

Tap into the space of unconditional love

Time: 1 Day

Investment: 4,500 Baht

Paricipants: Minimum 4 Participants up to 8


This workshop is designed to raise your feminine energy to embrace this Goddess side in you, even if you are masculine and are a leader in your life. For centuries, women have suppressed their power it is only recently that we have roles and presence in the society. The truth is being feminine is not about hating or being angry at men or at ourselves but to embrace the both dynamic of energy.

Gain clarity, understanding and connection with Shakti, the sacred feminine energy in you. Love and embrace yourself deeply and completely on this journey within.

Key Learning :

Understanding the Shakti

Awareness on the limited beliefs that we might have on how ‘women’ needs to be

An opportunity to release these beliefs or emotions that maybe blocking us from our own inner power

Our Menstruation & the Moon Cycle

Recreate Menstruation Experience through Visualizations

Growing Your Ovary Garden

Sacred Feminine Ritual

Learning Outcome :

Gain Awareness & Understanding of Your Sacred Feminine Energy

Be open to love and accept yourself more

Tools and tecniques that you can use when you are at home

Make new Goddess friends

Time: 1 Day

Investment: 4,500 Baht

Paricipants: Minimum 4 Participants up to 8


239 Alberry Place, Pridi Banomyong Soi 42 Bangkok.

Tue. – Sun. : 08.00 am – 20.00 pm